Benefits of Using Krispy Mixes Breading
Bag after bag, Krispy Mixes’ products are consistent. All “hot spots” caused by incomplete mixing are eliminated. Only ingredients of the finest quality and taste are used by Krispy Mixes to deliver that consistent flavor demanded by restaurants and their customers. Variations in tastes, texture and costs caused by missing ingredients or improper measuring are no longer a problem.
No Labor Cost
Let Krispy Mixes do the work. Preparation costs are reduced by eliminating the labor involved in ordering, inventorying, measuring, and mixing multiple ingredients for breadings, coatings and seasoning blends used in your restaurant.
No Waste or Clean Up
Product is delivered totally pre-mixed. No clean up or wasted product.
Better Packaging
Krispy Mixes products are packaged in 35 or 50 lb. triple-walled bags that don’t tear or leak and can withstand any abuse.
Priced Less
Breadings and coatings are produced in large quantities that capture Krispy Mixes’ buying power and production efficiencies.
Better Taste and Texture
Krispy Mixes products are made from only the highest quality flours, cornmeal and spices available on the market. Krispy Mixes guarantees that you will love our products.